KS Features: What's going on with them?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by lokiCML, November 11, 2014.

  1. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I updated the thread with the source and told you in a previous comment.;)
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    They talk about asteroid tsunamis, which happen because what do you think is killing your stuff when the asteroid hits the planet? Yeah, there isn't a global wave going around the planet, but nor is their a global earthquake when it hits land.

    So I'd say they've delivered since what they're clearly saying is you can crash asteroids into water planets.

    And as previously pointed out we've had amphibious units for months.

    We have ice asteroids.

    We have everything from naval except subs.
  3. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I know, but if you want that as a feature, there it is.
  4. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    When I read neutrino's comments. They can do it but it's not going to be any fancy fluid simulation. Just FX so it is doable.
    Tsunamis as a part of the stretch goal it should be in the game now or eventually. Please read the thread again because as I indicated in it. I wasn't quite sure on what exactly was implemented Naval units and Water Planets. Just like all the other KS features is partially.
    Don't get me wrong modders are doing a excellent work. Although commitments are commitments and they should be followed through with especially if Uber want to rebuild peoples trust.
  5. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Is English your second language? I feel you're rather misreading what their post was saying.
  6. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    English is my first language. When I read "great support for water in the engine" and then "Asteroid tsunamis FTW!" kind of sounds like they planned to put tsunamis in PA. Or I could just be unpacking it wrong. Remember kids: always encode your message for attended audience.;)
    Last edited: November 11, 2014
  7. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    To me, that indicates the physics for water will be intelligent enough so that if an asteroid (or planet) crashes into water, it will create a giant tidal wave...not just be the same as hitting land.
    lokiCML likes this.
  8. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I know that's exactly what it sounds like to me.:D
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Except it doesn't say they'll be including any tsunami graphical effect, they just say they're cool. Really, if that's the kind of thing we want updates on now then it's clearly time for Uber to call this puppy done and move on. You have a tsunami, you throw a rock into the water and **** dies.
  10. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Implying that there will be one. That's the neat thing about communicating people interpret what you say. Really this thread is about Uber sticking to their commitments and eventually rebuilding People's trust in them as well as their reputation.;)
    Last edited: November 12, 2014
  11. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    You can't hold someone to a different interpretation of something to what they had though. Also, when talking about these things, it's very much a "we'd like to do these things, because they are cool". Be careful of taking them too literally.

    Naval units and Water Planets
    • Ice asteroids - small ice planet with large terrain height variance looks very asteroid like.
    • Tsunamis - see above
    • Submarines - implemented, then taken out before completed for technical reasons. Jables mentioned these are currently being worked on for re-implementation
    • Amphibious units - already in
    Gas Giants and Enhanced Orbital units *1
    • Giant straws /s- already in (jig)
    • Expanded set of unique orbital units - expanded from what? Sounds like it's talking about more orbital units that what would have been in if the goal wasn't met, so this is therefore completed.
    • More orbital recon units- already in
    • Giant orbital defense lasers- already in
    • Space platforms - already in
    • Other types of orbital units based on your ideas - that's too vague to hold them to it (eg., how do we know it hasn't already happened?). It's simply saying they may take ideas from the community
  12. robber364

    robber364 Member

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    I disagree with your dismissal of the ice asteroids. Ice planets and asteroids are two different things. As it stands, we don't even have rock asteroids yet, so that's not even close to done. also, with regards to orbital, what we have isn't even close to complete. combat in the orbital layer is a joke, which is damning in an RTS. remember when we were promised large ships for gas giant orbital combat? where are those? hell, almost every point with the word "orbital" in it is incomplete.

    You argue that we can't hold them accountable for these promises because they interpreted it differently. I disagree. I can't say that I get to rob banks because I interpret the law differently than you do. Now Uber is doing a great job of getting back on track with PA development, but that is because the community cares enough to hold them accountable. We shouldn't stop until it's done, and done right.
  13. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    What is an asteroid other than a small planet? And it can't be that small, it has to fit a Halley. Also, no-one remembers when we were promised large ships for gas giant orbital combat, because we never were ;).

    But don't confuse me saying that these features are in-game, as me saying they are perfect or don't need improvement. There's a difference between saying "X feature needs improvement" and "X feature hasn't been done". The later is not true. Every dot point from the OP for Orbital units has been done. But they can be improved.

    They aren't the ones interpreting it differently - they can't be, they wrote it. To use your example, Uber wrote the law, people have interpreted it differently, and are now claiming their version is law.
    emraldis likes this.
  14. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    I recall Jables saying submarines are on their to do list and that they want to do them, but I don't think they are actively being worked on at this moment.

    As for the second point:
    I think Dox and Slammers are a poor excuse for amphibious units. They feel much more like units which have been overlooked in the pathfinding implementation and are able to traverse water by accident.
    Nothing in their models or descriptions (at least the last time I checked) even hints at them being amphibious.
    I think when people think about amphibious units they expect dedicated, specialized units like Hovercrafts, or the Arm Pelican or Croc (from TA). Those had to sacrifice some of their firepower/hitpoints/whatever to be able to traverse bodies of water. The Pelican even transformed into a little boat when entering the water.
    cmdandy likes this.
  15. robber364

    robber364 Member

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    Alright, i'll buy that, except the asteroids thing. Asteroids should be spawned in an asteroid belt, giving the player access to a large supple of kinetic weapons with a lower extinction radius. full size planets should completely annihilate other planets. after a smash of planets of equal or close size the planet should disappear and the orbital path of that planet should become an asteroid belt. Asteroids on the other hand should make a crater and wipe half the planet.
    tunsel11 and ace63 like this.
  16. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    I'd say the important distinction between small planets and asteroids is that asteroids should have some kind of HP or durability bar, so that it can be completely destroyed or broken apart before impacting (like what is seen in the trailer). It would take damage from either nukes or other large ordinance (maybe laser satellites or something).
  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Actually the slammer is very much a dedicated amphib unit (it's main purpose imo, mass dox are better for basic combat) as it is armed with a *torpedo launcher* much like the core GIMP. Dox being amphib is a bit more questionable, and also pretty useless on planets with much water as they are sitting ducks for anything with torps once submerged.
  18. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    When it comes to people making inferences or interpretations that is going to occur. When we communicate we always draw upon are perceptions, experiences, etc. It's the sender's responsibility to communicate their ideas in a way that the receiver will understand their message. Now making it cool that was what they were doing when they were marketing during the kickstarter a campaign. Just like in any kind of marketing they should deliver upon it.

    Communication Process model:
    - http://www.cliffsnotes.com/more-sub...nterpersonal-skills/the-communication-process
    - http://www.unl.edu/synergycurriculum/Documents/Prevocational-Student/Student Module 4, Unit 1.pdf
    For ice asteroids the announcement states "First class support for naval means you will be able to have a combination of water and land planets as well as ice asteroids." I'm pretty sure they meant ice asteroids will be in the release. A small planet does not count as an asteroid. Tsunamis it's implied by the update that there will be part of the game. Yes, submarines were removed due to technical reasons rather abruptly I might add. As @jables mentioned currently being worked but is it? We just don't know. There is no long-term roadmap which by the way would help ease people's concerns and would be a good marketing tool. Amphibious units feel like a afterthought that you really fit the role.
    I was a little bit fuzzy on this which I noted in the original post but wasn't clear enough.:oops:;) Giant straws a joke hence the /s but failed to have it.:( Other types - your ideas they could have sent out a kickstarter update asking for ideas and directing people to a thread on Uber's forum or post ideas in the update itself.;)

    The thing is you shouldn't have to live on the forum in order to get information or data mining this place, readit, steam, and other places to find what's happening with PA and Uber Ent. A long-term roadmap and an interim one would help along with reasonable frequency of updates to the official channels would help a lot. Also consistently demonstrate to potential or describe customers that they can achieve those goals.;) It would help with this sentiment "I don't trust Uber because they don't deliver on what they promise. So I won't back anything they do." It would mitigate and rebuild Uber's reputation it is extremely important for them and planetary annihilation continued support. As stakeholders we want this to happen. It will through hard work and effort on all sides.


    Edit: although orbital and especially gas giants feels like it's a first pass gameplay wise.
    Last edited: November 13, 2014
    ace63 likes this.
  19. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    Did they actually filmed the development to make a documentary?
  20. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Yes I recall that they said they had tons of footage but it needs to be edited of course.

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