The Next MNC?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by notgunked, September 22, 2014.

  1. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    This is just Pre-Alpha Co-op Campaign gameplay but im hopeful that the multiplayer would look great espically with more characters being added.

    Class based, has 3 abilities on each class, first person, Defense towers
  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    made a thread when I first heard about it, then I think it was gamespot or IGN magazine that ran an article on it.

    This honestly looks like one of the best ideas possible for a shooter. Everyone has an opinion but I don't think theres a better way to freshen up such a stale genre making a class based game similar to a MOBA. We have no good arena shooters these days, and most are "realistic" shooters that clutter the field.

    Here's my issues so far. It pretty much only relates to actual competitive multiplayer, not just PVP.

    • The game looks like it was designed around an aim down sight mechanic rather than run and gun mechanics. That is usually a bad sign for a games aiming skill gap, and while almost no abilities were shown, the game seems like it has a rather overall low base movement speed.
    • Oscar Mike also had a sprint feature, which I assume is for most classes. I hate sprint in games especially if the kill times are longer than "instant". Sprint ends up becoming a defensive ability just like in Halo Reach and Halo 4. The devs intended to speed up gameplay and all they did was hurt it and make it go slower.
    • Too early to tell but I've very biased towards MNC, and dislike SMNC very much even though I never played it. I watched enough to know what I liked and didn't, and SMNC felt cluttered with characters, and also limited the individual greatly. SMNC's cluttered characters didn't really cause many balance issues from what I've seen, but again they stripped the player of any individual skill. I wonder how Battleborn's classes will be balanced.
    • Special abilities look like they take no skill, and have counters. Not that MNC's are greatly skill inducing, but the gunner slam is a risk vs reward skill, and can be anticipated and countered. These seem to have no risk/reward so far, and are more akin to Halo Reach or Destiny abilities which is so piss poor for competitive play
    • Level progression leads me to believe there will be a snowball effect like SMNC. While they are earned I dislike them in games.
  3. victorpenningtonrust

    victorpenningtonrust Active Member

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    you noons afraid to play rustclan haha it ok you play game i still number one
  4. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    Im sure they will balance the in terms of abilities but in till multiplayer info comes out there is no way to know what is OP or what makes the game skillful since this is also pre-Alpha.

    I dont have a problem with snowballing effects since im a big fan of the moba genre but i do hate huge snowball effects like in guardians of middle earth where 1 kill can decided the entire game.
  5. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It's fairly easy for me to assume these things because so far nothing looks that unique. These abilities look similar to other games that them incorporated, and there's just no room for skill in there. They aren't going to code abilities for the Alpha and Beta that are get out of jail free cards, and then find some way to incorporate skill into them. These guys don't come from a competitive background either, so my expectations are low. The Co-op should be amazing though.

    Objectively speaking I stated why the gunner's slam, as simple as it is, is a skill inducing quality to the game by providing a risk/reward scenario. While I agree it's too early to see all the skills, it's also easy to comment on what I've seen. The only thing I saw that I can't comment on is the AOE skills.

    Things like aiming down sites and sprint are objectively worse for competitive shooters, and shrink the skill gap.

    I dislike actual level advantage snowball effects. MNC really has no snowball effect other than teamwork and skill. The other team always has a good chance to break a spawn trap but it's not easy. The other team always has a good chance of dropping the ball off of a spawn trap, but it's not always easy. Snowballs are fine for Mobas but terrible for shooters. Give everyone an equal chance to succeed but make it difficult to achieve.
    lolmontoya likes this.
  6. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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  7. lolmontoya

    lolmontoya Active Member

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  8. patema

    patema Active Member

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    I'm probably the best Destiny player in the world and I fvcking hate the game because it's broken as fvck

    I hope it's not the case with this one
  9. lolmontoya

    lolmontoya Active Member

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    I doubt that you're the best. You're very good , but not the best. All you seemed to use was a shotgun, which is a crutch weapon. You should join our 6 man fireteam on Xbox. We have a very good competitive team that doesn't use shotguns or fusion rifles ( I take that back some of the group uses but the majority doesn't.) My gamertag is o Inigo Montoya
  10. patema

    patema Active Member

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    Nah I'm not joining your clan because

    1) I don't live in NA
    2) I don't have an Xbox anymore
    3) I stopped playing Destiny today

    This game is a joke

    People who use Fusion Rifles are social degenerates

    Btw my K/D is 2.83 without camping and I play solo 99% of the time

    That's probably one of the highest in the world

    That's also higher than Crimsix' and Formal's but I guess "stats don't matter" right lol
    Last edited: October 5, 2014
  11. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    Pffff, well when you put it that way...
    patema likes this.
  12. patema

    patema Active Member

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    Hey Mike, I haven't seen you upload vids in a long time

    Destiny is garbage. I'm really good at the game but I hate it to death

    It's easily the most unbalanced game I've ever played, no question

    Btw what's your thoughts on Ghosts and what's your expectation for AW?

    My opinion:

    1) Ghosts is sh!t. I've only played it for 2 hours and I traded the game

    2) AW looks good but the time to kill is pretty short. With the Exo Suits, I'm sure that we MNC veterans will dominate that game, no doubt
    Last edited: October 5, 2014
  13. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    I don't really have an Xbox anymore, and I gave my ElGato to my friend. I played Ghosts very little but it's pretty terrible. I haven't played Destiny either, but it seemed like it would be awesome. AW looks solid but I most likely won't get to play it.
  14. notgunkedcontrol

    notgunkedcontrol Post Master General

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    Shammas come back we need a main gothmog.
  15. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Gothmog is nothing!! Scout Gollum for life!!!!
  16. notgunkedcontrol

    notgunkedcontrol Post Master General

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    Man I never even considered how hard gome is going to be without a properly played scout.
  17. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    Everyone needs a main Gothmog.
  18. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    Creative Director Randy Varnell about Battleborn
  19. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    who wants to play with a RANDY?
  20. notgunkedcontrol

    notgunkedcontrol Post Master General

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    I enjoy playing with RandyToon, don't you?

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