I get the message every time I start PA. What is up with this? Both options don't work. Abandon just closes the dialog box. Reconnect just goes to an endless reconnecting screen.
Sometimes servers remain running for too long due to some bugs. What you can do it's get game log and see what IP / port of the server when you try to "Reconnect". Then hopefully someone from Uber can kill this nasty server.
Easy: Exit PA and remove all files in "log" directory. Now start PA again and press "Reconnect". Once you get connection error exit PA and there will be log with IP and port of server.
Here is paths for all platforms: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/648814845443326834/ Basically someone from Uber can find and shutdown server that stuck because it's likely it.
[17:08:14.734] INFO Connect to ec2-54-206-246-174.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9001 worked [17:08:14.436] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_LoginAccepted [17:08:16.261] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_GameConfig [17:08:16.261] INFO client::ClientGame::connection_SimCreated [17:08:16.261] INFO Starting background thread pool with 3 threads [17:08:17.885] INFO Building planet of radius 800 detail 2 [17:08:17.072] INFO ClientPlanet::finishPlanet - Nav/Physics: 0.000936 [17:08:17.135] INFO ClientPlanet::finishPlanet - Cost stamps: 0.000432 [17:08:17.431] INFO Building planet of radius 800 detail 2 [17:08:17.603] INFO ClientPlanet::finishPlanet - Nav/Physics: 0.000034 [17:08:17.603] INFO ClientPlanet::finishPlanet - Cost stamps: 0.000823
Okay, is there any way to reconnect to a game that works? The only reconnect that pops up is always the broken game server.
Unfortunately I doubt it because before UberNet / PlayFab only return one game you're assigned to and this is never most recent game, but It's might be changed now so not totally sure.
Basically game just check special PlayFab API that before only return one game at time. Might be this changed, but before it's worked this way.
Yeah you can, but we can as well cast someone here! @jorgenpt Anyway unfortunately you'll likely need to wait till monday when Uber will be in office.
Looks like there was a bug in the "abandon" functionality. I've hopefully fixed that now (but it won't go live until our next PTE update.) I also manually cleared up the dead servers for @warrenkc.
Do you mean there is finally feature to actually abandon the game? Before it's always just closed the popup, but basically didn't sent any request to UberNet / PlayFab.