No Endgame with multiple planets

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by void2258, October 27, 2014.

  1. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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  2. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    There are plenty of ways to break stalemates, but as others have said you do need to think carefully and plan. Planet smashing even if you miss the commander is still gonna take out a good % of the enemy base leaving you a nice hole for invading...

    I must admit I do love experimentals though, If Hr had been funded uber would have been able to develops the engine for larger complex unit's and then feed that back into pa..(assuming there btw, so may not be true)

    Fingers crossed they do eventually find a way...

    Also 2 words....

    Unit cannon :):):)
  3. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    I always loved the idea of super heavy interplanetary artillery. I think there was even some talk about this in the earlier livestreams.
    But yeah we also desperately need the Unit Cannon/Asteroid Belts/Drop Pods/Multi-Unit carriers.
  4. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Just shoot as many nukes at once as you can.
  5. void2258

    void2258 Member

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    And have none of them do anything because of the volume of antinukes in play.
  6. stonberg

    stonberg Member

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    If players get really entrenched with tons of Astraeus, Umbrellas, Anchors, Anti-Nukes, it can be a really slow grind to break the stalemate (especially on maps which promote this type of stand-off).

    So how about two different ideas:

    o Allow draws

    'appens in chess, why not PA? Both/all players could agree to a draw to save wasting even more time.

    o Have a 'Sod this larking about' button

    Could be a server setting (e.g. after a specified time period), or an agreement between players. In a stalemate situation, this 'button' would instantly destroy everybody's Astraeus, Umbrellas, Anchors (perhaps other units/buildings as well) and they wouldn't be allowed to make any more. Stalemate removed, planetary invasions ho! :)
  7. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    While that would probably be easy to implement it screams "band-aid" and should rather be fixed properly.
  8. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    I mostly play very big games with a dozen or more planets, and the games usually last over an hour. I've NEVER run into a true stalemate like the one described here.

    We all know orbital needs work, but the endgame is still always exciting in my games. It all comes down to system design.

    A good system eliminates the possiblility of these stalemates by having many Halley-able objects and optionally a metal planet. I usually make ALL planets Halley-able, with 10 or more required for the big ones.

    Some of my systems also involve automatic collisions between planets late in the game in case it's stalling out.

    The idea of an invasion-proof planet is also incorrect. You can invade pretty much any planet by first shelling a small area with nukes to make a landing zone, then sending a dozen Orbital Builders to make teleports. They won't be able to prevent you from setting them up, but you need to move fast to avoid the incoming enemy nukes. Send in a bunch of advanced fabbers first, and start setting up turrets and anti-air, artillery, and anti-nukes. Spread everything out so the enemy can't kill everything with a couple of nukes.

    If you're able to outnumber the enemy in Avengers, there's a different strategy you can use. Build a bunch of Astreii, load them up with artillery units, and send them to a safe area above the enemy planet where your Avengers can protect them. You can then slowly kill everything on the ground with the artillery from orbit, way outside Umbrella range.

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