Be and Nicoleson will be battling for lowest rank in PA I know it. I did this so I can do a bronze to uber live stream once the ladder is more populated. The current placing seems to be top down where the uber ranks fill then Plat and so on. Imo it will take a month or so before actual people of each level are where they should be an people actually must grind and improve to get there deserved rank
In my placement games I went up against @KillerKiwiJuice , @stavrosf , and and got utterly obliterated each match. Bronze for life (at this rate)!
Bronze only tournaments inbound. Get to this super high level of competition now!!! Meta in these events are normally, the orbital Faber reclaim, the pelter creep, the ever effective nuke my own commander strat, and last but not least the firefly annoyance tell delete.