Woohoo! So I saw in IRC that the new PTE had dropped, checked the link, woohoo! Downloaded the PTE, had my dinner, scurried back for some official matchmaked games! Only played three games so far. Two of them were on the Duellist system, which frankly has to go: Those spawns are not fair. Purple guy has six metal spots within his landing zone. I had two, and a long walk to get to the nearest cluster of four. I played two games on this system, both with the exact same spawns for myself and my opponent. I lost both games. First game was to Zykey who's better than me anyway, I did not know the second player. Obviously that is a tiny sample to go on but you can't deny that the spawns are unfair :/ And the second system I played on: http://i.imgur.com/sSRkaEi.jpg - bloody hell! We agreed to spawn on the same planet, I don't think either of us wanted a long orbital game (fun as they are!!). Some kind of veto system would be nice, like @cola_colin's PA Stats map pool. I hear that there are only three systems right now for the official match-making map pool? That's a bit small, although I appreciate it we are just in the testing, PTE phase. Nonetheless, why not just use some of the systems the community has already created and put so many hours into? The new PA Stats map pool is pretty good Great work Uber, hope we can refine it into something truly awesome!
It's good that you are working on improving the system editor, but please do not remove the seed slider! With just a single button to randomize the seed, we can no longer go back to a previous layout if we can't find a better one! I did that all the time. By all means keep the random button though, but only in addition to the slider!
Yes. Just kidding. We found a nav bug. I grabbed Elijah and got him to look at it. Hopefully we'll track that one down real quick.
We'll be working on improving the map selection for ranked games. The current selection were just the premade systems that were indicated to be good for 2 players. Obviously that second system you played on is pretty bad for 1v1 matches.
There is a file with community suggestions you might consider: https://github.com/pamods/uimod-pa_...a_stats/scenes/ranked_matcher/maps/mappool.js
My chronocam is still bugged. When I switch to chronocam after a game the whole UI locks up. I'm playing with mods on, but this has happened in past builds without any mods. I think we decided it was an Intel graphics issue, right?
Is there a leaderboard implemented at this stage? Would be nice to see where I am in relation to other people.
The single most obvious thing that jumps out at me is the lack of a "Queue again" button on the end game screen.
That tophat... i know TB kickstarted the game. how much did he kickstart for? i would not be surprised if that was his com.
looking forward to better balanced maps. the ice planet favors the player that starts beside the long strip of metal. desert planet is a one mex start with bad expansions v a 6 mex start with good expansions. oh but it's still great and thanks guys.