There's obviously a ton of expectation and desired features and fixes from the community. A major issue is balance of course. Is Uber's delaying on the balance front based around the fact that it will just be a task they need to constantly repeat over and over as features as features are added and bugs fixed? If so, I don't blame them for delaying, they have a budget to manage. Perhaps some sort of community outsourcing program or competition or voting would be useful to source things like Art, Balance, other (?) changes that really take the strain off Uber and allow them to concentrate on the parts really only they can take care of, whilst really bolstering the mod community which I really think is a vital part of this games survivability. It's still Uber's baby but the number of balance mods show that the community is really trying, but I don't see much coordination between devs and modders, which would be fine if the game was done and dusted, but instead there's a real opportunity here for the game to make some faster progress than just leaning on the devs would allow.
The best thing we can do is convert the nonbelievers to the Cult of Annihilation... because reviewers are plebes who can't handle spherical maps and/or, more seriously, aren't diehard fanboys like us willing to overlook or forgive some of the game's flaws, on the basis that we assume they're either temporary or not that bad.
Supcom has more than just radar, but it all became void when everyone had t3 radar... Omni-sensor array ruined it.
Actually Intel acted quite different in Supcom, units on radar initially appeared as just blips until you had visual, which after they'd show up as icons until they got out of radar range, or you got another visual and it was different. (Same with buildings) PA doesn't work like that, sadly.
I'd guess the "remember icons once seen" (for structures even after they are out of radar and vision range) is just a missing feature right now, not a gameplay decision.
what I mean is not radar, this is from TA, but the Intel conservation from supcom, so after you scout you don't lose your intel!
You can still see the buildings that you spot, it's just the radar doesn't keep the unit icons of identified units.
It'd be nice if it kept a unit icons, and building icons as well until you rescouted, or they left your radar range.
not only building but units that are in radar range(if they go out of the same you loose the intel like in SupCom)