Fur Affinity. If you're feeling brave you can go look at the website. From what I've seen (curse my insatiable curiosity), there's nothing too "er-ehm" on the website itself, but the ads there allow your to infer...
Ah, meh, I know people are into stuff like that (I believe that website you must sign up to see.. other stuff) I don't judge though!
I don't care what gets people's motors running, what people get up to in there own house doesn't effect me and isn't my business. But I just thought this crossover was odd. No hanky-panky on my spaceship! inb4 Constellation Phoenix space brothels. I don't know .
I go to /b/ when I want to laugh at the audacious posts. But reddit when I actually want to find something, not that the rest of 4chan is bad, but I prefer the reddit formation now that I have grown accustom to it. Love r/worldbuilding