So I keep running into a problem. I wanted to make an 'island hopping' style skirmish game; with the AI set up on a host of small moons for me to conquer. Problem. I set all the AI to free for all to keep them competetive, and then.... EVERYONE ENDS UP ON THE SAME DANG PLANET. No matter what I do I cannot get away from spawn-rushing AI. How do I make the AI realise that there are SIX OTHER MOONS in this game, several bigger than the planet I want to claim, and they can go THERE?
I've had some success in luring the AI to a metal rich moon; perhaps if all the planets have exactly the same amount of metal?
Well if the OP happens to know javascript: /media/server-script/states/playing.js around line 374 can be modified to spawn the AI commanders in whatever location you may want. Though that would be a hack that would require you to select the right map for the script modification you have.