So Gandalf it scared you so bad you thought you need to get others down, too? After seeing that post I actually checked what /b/ was.
What was it. I'm too scared. What's wrong with Windows Chan? Edit: - Microsoft advertising in Japan.
Nothing wrong about windows chan at all, but on /b there isn't a lot like that. For whatever reason /b stands for random. Now not random funny, more like you get a random mix of more-than-questionable things. The randomness makes sure there is something in the mix you really don't want to see.
Yeah, I let my curiosity get the better of me. Had the breakout eyebleach. Why is it called /b/? That just doesn't make sense then again the site doesn't.
There was a time where the photo posts on 4chan could be pretty amazing, back before higher res became the norm. Then reddit came into existence, and 4chan became way to impressed with themselves, and I never went back because I go to reddit without the hateful, horrible anonymous crowd. Reddit has issues on occasion too, but the democratic nature of voting keeps most of the abhorrent people hidden from view.
I just have disdain for both 4chan and Reddit because both of their SMNC boards had several posts by people ripping on me over some shoddy art I made years ago.
/b/ stands for "bored" it's the bored board. When you're bored you're random. Ps: 4chan, specifically /b/, is the best. :> @lokiCML above.
Meh, stupid people will be stupid. You had the courage to put art out there, good or bad. Generally, don't listen to critiques from people who are too cowardly to do the same.
This is just a stupid way of thinking. "You don't like my art style? Damn. Oh wait, you don't draw yourself? Opinion discarded !"
Not really. If it's a legitimate critique, take it in stride. If there's value there, it's usually immediately obvious. The type of critique she's talking about? Everyone has an opinion. Unless someone can approach it constructively, there is no value in listening to that person. Save your mental effort for someone who knows how to act like a decent human being. That said, you do have to be open to analyzing your own work and failings and be willing to improve them. As Squish said - being a **** is your choice. It's my choice to write you off as a worthless human being. (Not you, Poi, speaking more generally)
Eh, I frequent 4Chan and I can honestly say /b/ gets way too much credit as being this horrifying place that no one should enter unless brave enough, because it's really not that bad, it's mostly just porn and funny threads with some miscellaneous stuff. Although that said it can be pretty bad compared to most of the other boards, but I'd say that /pol/ is still the worst.
Sometimes a few well... Illegal things come up, but they'll 404 quickly. I love /b/ it truly is the board you go to when you're... bored.
Popular boards on both 4chan and reddit are awful. Not awful in a "this place is too intense/crude for me" way, as some of you are clearly interpreting as. Awful as in "swarms of idiots/kids regurgitating the same shit endlessly". There's simply too much wading through garbage before you find anything of value. I just recently started using reddit since gigantic has no actual forum. Not a fan of the upvote/like system. It doesn't work well here either.