Dust of Doom is a 1v1 map created by me in order to find a fair map that included everything and had interesting terrain. Ground, air, and even naval are all viable, depending on where your opponent started. All spawns are fairly viable with good expansion and good defensive and offensive qualities. One of the spawns is in the middle of the desert, another near a lake, and two others are by a long body of water that covers the length of the planet. Size: 550 Seed: 3348 Height Range: 25 Water Height: 40 Biome: Desert Temperature: 100 Pics: Spawns: Large body of water: Isthmus: Poles: This map can be found on the default server of the System Sharing mod.
I am looking into restoring Dust of Doom to its place as the greatest of earth type 1v1 maps. Spawns have been moved around quite a bit recently so this may be a more difficult task than you might think.
Love the look of this map. I'm not all that familiar with mod related stuff...How would I go about getting this so that I can play on this map with friends, ai, etc.?