[RLM]Gandalf is a champ

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zihuatanejo, October 14, 2014.

  1. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    So I'm hanging out online and lurking in IRC (irc.esper.net #planetaryannihilation) as usual and notice this:

    [03:22:06] <[RLM]Gandalf> anyone want to skrim? like best of 5?
    [03:23:44] <TotempaaltJ> If you don't mind playing against a noob? ^^
    [03:28:46] <[RLM]Gandalf> totem do you have Teamspeak by chance ill play a few games with you and teach you in a bit if you want?
    [03:28:55] <TotempaaltJ> Uh yeah!

    [03:34:56] <TotempaaltJ> [RLM]Gandalf, I'm iiinnnn
    [03:37:55] <[RLM]Gandalf> CC get on TS anyone else wanting to learn ill be just training anyone tonight
    [03:38:01] <[RLM]Gandalf> going over bot and tank strats
    [03:38:08] <Jaguar> gandalf, ya gonna stream?
    [03:38:12] <[RLM]Gandalf> and my experimental expansion strats
    [03:38:15] <[RLM]Gandalf> yea
    [03:38:17] <[RLM]Gandalf> ill stream

    Jaguar = me, btw. Wish display name system worked in the forums! Anyway, I tune in to Gandalf's (@reptarking) stream and he's speccing a guy playing against the AI, showing him a basic build order/dox spam strat, talking to him on TeamSpeak, teaching him stuff.

    I just thought it was a pretty swell thing for him to do, and all the more reason you should all hang out in IRC. We're a friendly bunch :)

    You don't even have to bother with an IRC client to join us and chat, because esper.net has a web client - http://esper.net/publicirc.php
  2. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Hey, I know that guy from somewhere. ;)
    zihuatanejo likes this.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    We certainly have an awesome community, that's for sure.

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