I had 60 FPS before zooming in on that specific area. I do not see an option for V-Sync in the PA settings menu.
Not quite...I have V-Sync in the Nvidia Control Panel set to "Use the 3D Application Setting." If it's not V-sync, it could be that my graphics settings are way too high, or that I played on the PAX Prime system, which had five planets total (gas giant, earth planet, lava planet, moon, and metal planet).
It doesn't currently work. It used to work... I am aware of the problem and will fix it as soon as I can.
It sounds like Adaptive V-sync.. Adaptive V-sync locks FPS at 30 and 60 fps depending on the current in game FPS. On my nVidia 320m and intel hd 4000 when the v-sync setting is set to use "3d app setting" and the program running doesn't specify a v-sync setting mine seems to default to using adaptive v-sync. edit.. \ try using the "Always Off" v-sync setting in the video card control panel
Does anyone know why my chronocam doesn't work? I have no mods (Running through PAMM in safe mode) and when I turn on chronocam I see it start to appear and then it goes away. The whole ui will lock up when that happens. Coherent crash maybe?
just got a "connection to server lost" in offline mode so connection to my own computer was lost? Assume the server.exe crashed. Edit: Server.exe did crash, with a event-id: 1000 in the event log. Its seems to be relatet to MSVCP110.dll
Then it's definitely v-sync. It means your system can't handle 60FPS for what you're viewing so it drops to 30. As this is an OpenGL application you might have an option to force triple buffering, which should correct this.
nice thing : in all games i played with this patch ai didnt waste resources on nukes before the 30 min mark - may it be random luck or somthing changed (thx @sorian ^^). lets get next ai-relevatet point : at beginning he sends out this 2-3 unit squads to prevent someone to spam eco all over the map. this is very nice and the size of groups is ok. however later in game his armys are way to small, normaly consisting of 15-20 units per wave that also seem to be a little of too random units (and way too much basic bots). i would suggest he gets bigger armys consisting at least out of 35-40 units. also at lategame there should be always (often? depending on what the army should do) artillery units in it like adv bots/vehicles, and in general more "meat-shield"-long range units like basic tanks/adv bots. even basic bots do the job, but they are lost very fast when encountering an enemy army.
What exactly did you do before the server.exe stopped working? And why is this related to Visual C++ 2012?
I uploaded french and italian translations for the Steam achievements yesterday. German and Spanish still coming. If you're seeing things in Italian, it's likely a Steam setting. The English translations should still be there.