It would be nice if we could get a handle for how units behave in-game, without having to go through some convoluted method like adding extra weapons that don't do damage, or giving specific animations and such. Mainly, I'm thinking about attack behaviours, so being able to say that this unit is going to strafe enemies, this one will charge in, and this one will try to hold back and snipe, that kind of thing.
It's pretty simple at the moment. If a unit can shoot and hit a target, it will. If it can't, then it wont. Air/Orbital units act differently. They blindly charge towards the target. Units are not allowed to move closer to the target then the "aggressive_distance". You can set the "aggressive_behavior" to circle (like a gunship) or line (like a bomber). Other then that, there is guard radius. Units will move that distance to get into weapons range (this doesn't mean they will move to get a firing solution though). Nothing from the weapons effect a units behaviour other than weapon range (for guard radius). AFAIK animations don't change anything and they aren't played on the server. It now occurs to me that you may have meant handle in a different sense. In that case, I fully agree with you. Unit behaviors at the moment is a little too simple if you have ambitious mods planned.
Thanks, that actually helps alot for now, though I still hope that one day we'll get better unit tags.