Heeeey... I bought the Cosmic edition late in the game (The day before it was dropped in fact, haha.) How exactly do I name a random generated planet? Do I get to? I wanna name a planet equestria... hehehe...
In the system editor when you insert a planet and then click on it you will have access to all of it data, here you can change the name.
AKA why you should always read a post before replying Didn't Uber send everyone an email or something?
Did you make sure to check your spam folder? My first few emails from UBER was put there until I managed to convince my inbox otherwise
I can't resend the email, but just go to https://store.uberent.com/Account/ConfigurableItems to add your Planet Name and Name for the Credits. Your @squishypon3 account looks good to go
Woohoo, get ready to come across a random planet named Equestria, guys :> Edit: Ooh, and my name in the credits?