If you're new here, or been here a while and just have your dander up, please remember the rules. You can read them here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/forum-rules-and-guidelines.444/ Basically, be respectful to everyone on here, from devs to other posters. Use reasonable language, don't attack people. People's emotions can run high, but that is not an excuse to be abusive or nasty. Be awesome to each other. Even if you're upset.
I think it's also worth mentioning: Dev-fan communication Business practices "Why is x not in the game yet?" Those topics have been brought up a lot and they tend to be sore subjects. If you're new, use the search function to see the other threads and don't make a new one unless you really have something different and respectful to say.
Sadly, the search function is currently broken. It will not display more than 200 results... & there is ALOT more than 200 results about "shields"
If you have to be nice to someone to gain their respect, you shouldn't associate with that person. This usually holds for organizations too.
I have been one of those guilty of perhaps not coming off as respectful as I should be, and yes, Garat is right we must always remain respectful, especially so to those we may have disagreements with. Move love less hate?
My main gripe is the atmosphere. You can be perfectly respectful at face value, but the atmosphere can still remain poisonous. You can even insult someone in a respectful manner, if you know what you are doing. When I first started posting in this forum, the main antagonism I saw was between me and the other users. Now it is between the users and the developers, and I don't like it. For what it's worth, I think Uber isn't being respectful towards their fans and customers.
Maybe fixing the "why" many people are upset would help .... just saying. And i think people complaints and attacks are not directed towards Uber Developpers. We know they work hard, do an amzing stuff and are not responsible for the company decisions and communication failures. Hopefully you also internally reminded your CEO about what a company should and should not do to keep away customer frustration ....... Rules do not only apply to customers .... loyalty is vice versa. Well at least, at some point, it looks like Uber understand many people are upset. Will it change something ? I guess you should really consider twice you were lucky to have 50.000 backers for PA. I can only hope you will succeed with you new kickstarter (well that's pure egoïsm because i tend to believe we would have more chance to see original PA promises finally delivered). But of course, it will be without me. I really hope for you that upset people are not the visible part of an iceberg.....