Idea: Custom Commanders?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by endurrr, October 2, 2014.

  1. endurrr

    endurrr Active Member

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    (NOTE: I have no idea if this idea has been suggested before or not)
    Well, since every commander is completely cosmetic, why not add an option to create and name your very own unique commander?
    I have a few ideas. It would be like building blocks. You can stick parts of a commander onto your custom one. The chest, the legs, the build arm, the firing arm, and anything else that is a core part of a commander.
    The parts you can build with will come only from commanders you ALREADY OWN. No SpiderOfMean parts if you haven't bought the actual commander itself. This could actually encouage people to buy commanders if they had creative ideas. Imagine, Xinthar with Aeson's tracks.
    I'm sure some parts would have to be re-sized so they don't seem out of place and end up looking like Frankenstein's Monster. But I think it would be nice to see a few custom commanders out there.

    I think if this feature is implemented, it should be one that you either have to buy, or one that can be obtained by unlocking all commander loadouts in Galactic War.

    If unlocked in Galactic War, there could be a few reasons. Considering you are allowed to pick and choose tech and weaponry as you search the galaxy for enemy faction leaders, it could definitely make sense that a commander could favor the enemy's four legs over his own imperial legs. Or maybe the foe's build arm looks like a much newer model. This could be a reward for fully completing the singleplayer that follows you back into multiplayer. After all, the only 'rewards' currently are the ability to replay the game and use a different style of fighting. The General and B.A.C.O.N. commanders are nice, but cannot be used outside of Galactic War. This would be a much better and more complete reward in my opinion. Oh yeah, and it would probably encourage players to complete Galactic War.

    Just a few thoughts that came off the top of my head, and I for one would love to see this implemented.
  2. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    well from what I know you can do that... but w/ 3D modelling... also THX for reminding that!
  3. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Make sure you have to submit it first and wait a minute so we have no walking dildos or commanders with titties.
    m1dnightmoose likes this.
  4. endurrr

    endurrr Active Member

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    I'm talking about messing with current commander parts and sticking them on others. Not a huge 3D modeling thing ingame. Just customizing a commander with different parts from other commanders
    Nicb1 likes this.
  5. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    This should not be high priority though, and custom commanders made by Kickstarter backers are very helpful to Uber and the creators right now. I'm thinking this will be a very late addition after everything else is fully functional.
  6. Auraenn

    Auraenn Active Member

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    I brought this idea up a while ago and I'd love to see this incorporated.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  7. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Because then they wouldn't be able to fleece you for the commanders they have made.....
  8. endurrr

    endurrr Active Member

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    Like I said, I didn't know if someone has had this idea before. I just thought of it one day. Maybe consider it as putting your idea back in the spotlight for a while :)
  9. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    The closest we get currently to custom commander is what the 1k+ Kickstarter backers get. And currently there is quite a backlog to provide those 91 models (last count was only 18 inlcuding event ones in the game).
    Some of those will be buyable in the store, as the owner wants.

    If they get this finished. And maybe if the design tools get far enough and/or paying to get "your" model into the game might be possible/feasible:
    Note that you are able to change at all times how commanders look for you (Client side mod). Just others will see them as default (or whatever thier client is set too). This concept is used in the "Able Progenitor" mod.
  10. endurrr

    endurrr Active Member

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    Mods are quite possibly the best tool to decide what to put into the game. But I for one do not think its good for a game to rely entirely on mods for expansions and user friendliness. Sooner or later, it would be beneficial to incorporate popular mod ideas into the actual game.
    Last edited: October 3, 2014

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