I actually did poke around at the app with Instruments for a bit, the other day. As I mentioned above, the vast majority of time spent is in glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex_STD_GL3Exec() (and then, deeper, gldRenderTriangles()). I can run it again and give you the full output. Are there any other instruments you'd like me to add as well? Nope, it was a completely standard OS X 10.9.4 system with that fps. I only started playing with drivers because of this very disparity. I currently have an NVidia preferences pane installed that lets me toggle between their drivers and the stock ones – both have similarly abysmal performance.
Ok, I ran several profiles at various points in the process. The file is too large to upload so I stashed it on some public file site: http://www.filedropper.com/pa72332osx109428ghz8gb512geforce9600minstruments Below are two screenshots from the same trace.
Thank you for these profiles! Can you show me what the logs say when you start the game? (Just go into menu and exit) You can find them in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Uber\ Entertainment/Planetary\ Annihilation/log
Can you update to today's PTE, and start the game with the following command from Terminal: Code: /Users/shalevold/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/data/streams/PTE/PA.app/Contents/MacOS/PA --apple-mtgl-mode=off And let me know what performance is like. If that works better, try the following command from Terminal and let me know how it performs: Code: /Users/shalevold/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/data/streams/PTE/PA.app/Contents/MacOS/PA --apple-mtgl-mode=mtgl
I tried that first link (not tried the 2nd), and I get "Not a directory" (yes, I changed the username to my own). Ah, just discovered, I don't have the "/data" directory that the link includes.... Not sure what to do now....
Did you install the PTE stream? It's not the usual thing you install with the launcher. I think there should a an dropdown menu somewhere that allows you to install the PTE rather than the stable stream?
Perhaps a tiny bit better, by a frame or two, in the lobby/loading (reaching 12-13fps), and it seemed more responsive in the initial zoomed out choose spawn point system view, but actually zooming in on the planet dropped it down to 0.2 FPS. This is actually better than the <0.1 fps it had before. I've uploaded two Uberprobe files for this run: one for the lobby and one centered over the planet in the basic/smallest AI skirmish. This was slower, with the lobby at 8-9 fps and the zoomed in planet view more or less the same. Again, one upf for the lobby and the next for in the game. Also included are the logs from each run, and screenshots: (One image from each run. The second run also had 0.2fps when zoomed in to the same level. At ~ 1 frame / 4.5s.)
Hm, okay. Would you mind posting another Instruments trace from the one that has --apple-mtgl-mode=off? That would be very helpful. Thanks!