Sniper bots are great to rush to completely wipe out an unsuspecting opponent, don't know where all the hate is coming from. This is blatantly untrue. You've outdone yourself, again untrue. Another fallacy in this thread. Laser turrets are only good for holding off harrassment, laser turrets behind walls, backed up by catapults, holkins and a ready to pop nuke launcher = good defense.
Thats my son! S-sheller o-ant -x targeted ant ||range of sheller dmg without spread its like SSS |x|ooooo SSS |x|ooooo SSS |x|ooooo with spread it would look more like SSS | xoo|ooo SSS | xoo|ooo SSS | xoo|ooo
I think I understand now why Pelters are that weakly armored: So they are vulnerable to bot's and similar raiding. A pelter is a important, strategic asset that must be protected (like a MEX or factory). What does it make such a important asset? Area denial of enemy building activity. Area denial of enemy land scouting activity. So just like every other T2 unit designed to exploit a weakness in the enemies defense. So it is not actually the laser turrets that are the danger (if so they would do so on thier own). It is the holkins and catapults making the issue. All the turrets do is keep the enemy from rushing over the walls and thus harassing the arty that is doing the actuall work. And there are several ways to break even this defense. Looks like this game is still assault focussed and Laser turrets are still only good to holding of harassment.
By themselves, yes I believe I covered that. As part of a chain of a variation of defenses you can make a very hard nut to crack. Laser Towers have a great DPS and range making them very good at defeating dox. They will struggle to take down enough tanks to prevent their own destruction when facing a larger army than your number of turrets. (going my mass invested) + Walls are capable of stopping direct fire from hurting structures and units behind them. = The laser towers constantly barrage the enemy batallion, as they approach and take no damage as walls block thier shots. Only falling to ridiculous higher numbers of units or possibly a small number of artillery. Holkins + Lazer Turret + Walls = Okay artillery gets killed before it gets in range, no other units can make it thorugh. Only options left is to nuke, wait no there is an anti nuke. Okay planet smash time. Holkins + lazer + walls + nuke launcher = You can blow up their halleys en route or an army large enough o crack your extensively hardy shell. All set bra.
I hate how units overtarget too. You'll get bluehawks all targeting the same unit, which is such a waste of firepower.
Your argument was that the game was not offense focussed. That defenses should be able to block of units. But you own "super defense" can be taken down by one nuke (inlcuding your own nuke launcher). And by the time you can build such a defense you have won already. Also a nuke launcher is hardly a "defesne weapon". It can shoot everywere in the system! Name me anything offesnive that has comparable range. By your own admission you need a freely attacking offensvie unit (the nuke) or the defense will be cracked. This defense won't hold against a proper offense, so you need a proper counter offense. My claim that "the game is fast, defenses should not be able to hold of a dedicated attack" holds still true. Also you seem to underestiamte the cost of one Holins quite a bit. Holkins is T2 artillery. Between the own and energy cost during recharge each needs ludicrous amounts of metal (Holkins [14.4 k] + 4 T2 Power Planets [10.8k] = 23.2k). Give me the same amount of metal and fabbing time on a offensive and I will crack that defense (I ran the numbers. That is 193 hornets per Holkns+energy). At worst I have to throw 3 nukes at it (to overload any single Anti-Nuke) I should still come out on top. By the way, your defense there is now gone completely; so your base is totally open to my ground forces that are a loter fast build then your buildings.
Whether or not a weapon is defensive or not depends on whether or not you are "defending" or "attacking" with it. Pretty sure that math is heavily flawed.
His master mega defense could be taken out by a single T1 bomber Or if you assumed he built some air defense, mass grenedier spam microed to dodge the arty shots
? grenadier's don't out range point defense. And if you are busy microing them so they don't get hit by artillery you can't micro them to take out my pd's. You fail sir.
Im not sure I understand your reasoning, but turrets are very easy to kill with focused fire-power, without walls tanks can easily kill turrets as well. This however is a situation where you have walls in front, so unless you use artillery, an air strike, or charge with infernos to clear the threat, grenadiers are the next bast thing, even with their sup-par fire-power a focus fire of them can easily kill turrets. Sure you are going to take a lot of casualty, but compared to the cost it would have taken for ant or dox to clear the threat, you will have saved a substantial amount. Especially seeing as you can just ignore the enemy's expensive wall line, completely taking it out of the equation. (How did this topic start? by the way.)
God knows, but his point was he could do that to all my theoretical turrets whilst dodging my imaginary artillery and made-up defensive bomber squad and i'm calling bullshit on that. Turtle = win, just. P.S your ai is dumb sorian. , why it no kill me quicker. SSX SNIPES STILL EXIST CONFIRMED! (but far less broken.)
No crap? Of course people were still going to snipe, the 3 second waiting time won't stop a player who will just bring more SXX.