[REL] ReScalePA: Converter to create smaller units

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by cola_colin, September 21, 2014.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    well I'll get you a beer basket, then.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I think I understand what it is missing, but I can't correctly express it with the 101 template.
    Basically the PapaVerticesInformation for the bot_factory seems to actually look like this:

    struct PapaVerticesInformation
        enum <int> {Position3Normal3Color4TexCoord4 = 7, Position3Weights4bBones4bNormal3TexCoord2 = 8, Position3Normal3Tan3Bin3TexCoord4 = 10} VertexFormat;
        int NumberOfVertices;
        int64 SizeVerticesBlock;
        int64 OffsetVerticesBlock;
        int VertexFormat2;
        int NumberOfVertices2;
        int64 SizeVerticesBlock2;
        int64 OffsetVerticesBlock2;
        int VertexFormat3;
        int NumberOfVertices3;
        int64 SizeVerticesBlock3;
        int64 OffsetVerticesBlock3;
        if (VertexFormat == 7) {
            PapaVertex7 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
        if (VertexFormat == 8) {
            PapaVertex8 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
        if (VertexFormat == 10) {
            PapaVertex10 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
        if (VertexFormat2 == 7) {
            PapaVertex7 Vertices2[NumberOfVertices2];
        if (VertexFormat2 == 8) {
            PapaVertex8 Vertices2[NumberOfVertices2];
        if (VertexFormat2 == 10) {
            PapaVertex10 Vertices2[NumberOfVertices2];
        if (VertexFormat3 == 7) {
            PapaVertex7 Vertices3[NumberOfVertices3];
        if (VertexFormat3 == 8) {
            PapaVertex8 Vertices3[NumberOfVertices3];
        if (VertexFormat3 == 10) {
            PapaVertex10 Vertices3[NumberOfVertices3];
    So there are 3 blocks of vertices. I guess that is the amount of models in the file. The same might be true for bones and similar, have not checked yet.
    So how do I define these 3 blocks and then create 3 structs of PapaVertexN arrays afterwards?
    I can't figure out how to define a new variable in a loop using FSeek (so can't just define an array) without creating duplicate variables.

    I think you know these template files pretty well as well, don't you? :D

    EDIT 2:
    Though this template isn't actually that vital to me, I am gonna write code to handle this anyway. :>

    EDIT 3:
    Scaling down all 3 meshes inside the bot factory works out:

    Now to why those little factory arms are so horribly out of place...
    Last edited: September 22, 2014
  3. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe animations have their own absolute tranformation for bones?
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Makes perfect sense that there would be multiple PapaVerticesInformation, blocks. There's even an unused "NumberOfVertexBuffers" :p. In struct PapaFile you need to modify the call to PapaVerticiesInformation (line 76) as follows:

        if(OffsetVerticesInformation > -1)
            PapaVerticesInformation Vertices[NumberOfVertexBuffers] <optimize=false>;
    This will call PapaVerticiesInformation multiple times.

    Finally, under PapaVerticiesInformation, add the following before the FSeek(OffsetVerticesBlock):

        local int _Restore = FTell();
    This saves the position of the pointer. After reading the Verticies, restore the pointer with:

    The same is probably true for both PapaIndicesInformation (use NumberOfIndexBuffers) and PapaSkeletonInformation (NumberOfSkeletons). Maybe even PapaBonesHeader, but that works a bit different.

    Edit: Looks like PapaSkeletonInformation will need a bit more modifying; It reads PapaSkeletonSegment immediately, but I'm guessing there should actually first be a seek to Offset first. I'm surprised this didn't entirely break, unless it actually is the case that the SkeletonSegments are always written immediately afterwards.

    Note: Not tested, my 010 editor trial just ran out. Need to buy it, it's a great program.
    Last edited: September 22, 2014
    cola_colin likes this.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I've not seen any model with more than one Skeleton according to the counter at the start at least.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's very likely to be the case, do we know anything about those anim.papa's? All my current 101 template tells me is that it has animation data. Nothing is filled out. I have no idea whatsoever what format animation data even takes.

    papadump actually prints every single frame. If there is no ready made information available on the format of animations I guess I can actually work from there to get the format.

    Last edited: September 23, 2014
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Oh wow. I think that's new? Definitely should be able to reverse engineer the animation from this.

    But I don't think animations are designed around specific coordinates; I still think the answer is in the model file.

    Are you scaling the translation, Bind2Bone and BoneOffsetPositions of the bones?
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Only translation and the BoneOffsets. I tried to scale all matrices as well, but that looked just broken. I guessed they do not have a scale and only define transformations.
    What does Bind2Bone do? Looking at the numbers most of them are tiny tiny values, so I figured it was just a transformation. I guess I can try to scale Translation, Bind2Bone and BoneOffsetPosition but not the shearscale. Will try when I get home this evening.
    The numbers printed for the animation in turn look like numbers of positions within the model.
  9. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    From my experience, I don't think that's the case.

    I made a model and put that into the game (before I had even started any animations). I then went on to add an animation. The animation played in game without the model having ever come in contact with animations.

    Unfortunately it didn't work completely, but I believe that is due to a different issue (during fbx -> papa all bone turned to point right).
  10. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Looking at Papadump, the translations are in the final column of bind2bone, and are the result of the parent bind2bone value, minus the current bone translation: -5.914487 - 1.5086 = -7.423087

    You'll need to check in the 010 editor whether the matrix is stored column-major or row-major, I can't remember off the top of my head. Should be easy to spot though, they'll be the only numbers that aren't 0, 1 or -1.
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That doesn't seem to be quite right. Here an example from the bot_factory:

    First the unmodified model, look at bone 7:
    The formula of parent bind2bone - translation of current bone doesn't work out for the red marked values.
    Also in the 101 template those offsets are not part of the bind2bone matrices, looks like the matrices are offset by 4x floats.

    Now my current program scales down TranslationX/Y/Z as well as BoneOffsetPositionX/Y/Z

    This is how the model looks ingame after the changes. Idle and without animations it looks fine.
    Note how I marked one of the arms.

    Through playing around with the TranslationX and BoneOffsetPositionX of the respetive bones I think I can verify that the position of those elements depends indeed on the TranslationX and BoneOffsetPositionX, with the offset affected the following bone.
    Changing the position of A makes B follow. Changing the translation of B only moves B relative to A.

    So this happens when the factory starts playing the build animation. I have left the positions of A and B unchanged compared to the prev screenshot. So they should be especially out of place here:

    They magically move up to the "correct" location and start animating. To me this looks like the bone positions in the mesh itself are not used by the animation at all. Compare this screen of the same animation, but without the "broken" bones A and B. I can't tell any difference to the screenshot above during the animation:

    So from this I conclude the animations work by setting the positions of bones to absolute values that are stored per frame in the animation papa file. Looking at the output of papadump for the build animation:

    These translations to me look like they are meant to basically replace the translation of the respective bone for that frame of the animation. Looking at the "idle" translation values for the elbow01 shows this:

    That's exactly that 6.89 I am scaling. Z has a tiny change. Dunno how much such a tiny change actually means for the animation. But this looks like the translations numbers in the animation file are scaled according to the mesh.

    Scaling the translation values in the animation works, notice the correct position of the build arms:

    EDIT 2:
    Last edited: September 23, 2014
  12. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Nice ! :)
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    [REL] !!!

    This is the final 101 template I have, it has some info on the animations:
    struct PapaFile;
    struct PapaModelInformation;
    struct PapaTextureInformation;
    struct PapaMeshBinding;
    struct PapaBoneMapping;
    struct PapaMeshInformation;
    struct PapaMaterialGroup;
    struct PapaMaterialInformation;
    struct PapaMaterialVectorParameter;
    struct PapaMatrix3;
    struct PapaMatrix4;
    struct PapaMatrixRow3;
    struct PapaMatrixRow4;
    struct PapaVerticesInformation;
    struct PapaVertex7;
    struct PapaVertex8;
    struct PapaVertex10;
    struct PapaIndicesInformation;
    struct PapaPrimitive0;
    struct PapaBonesHeader;
    struct PapaSkeletonInformation;
    struct PapaSkeletonSegment;
    struct PapaBone;
    struct PapaRGBA;
    struct AnimationInfo;
    struct AnimFrame;
    struct PapaMatrix4;
    struct BoneTransform;
    struct PapaFile
        char Identification[4];
        short Unknown1[2];
        short NumberOfBones;
        short NumberOfTextures;
        short NumberOfVertexBuffers;
        short NumberOfIndexBuffers;
        short NumberOfMaterials;
        short NumberOfMeshes;
        short NumberOfSkeletons;
        short NumberOfModels;
        short Unknown2[4];
        int64 OffsetBonesHeader;
        int64 OffsetTextureInformation;
        int64 OffsetVerticesInformation;
        int64 OffsetIndicesInformation;
        int64 OffsetMaterialInformation;
        int64 OffsetMeshInformation;
        int64 OffsetSkeletonInformation;
        local int64 _OffsetSkeletonHeader = OffsetSkeletonInformation;
        int64 OffsetModelInformation;
        int64 OffsetAnimationInformation;
        if(OffsetModelInformation > -1)
            PapaModelInformation Model[NumberOfModels] <optimize=false>;
        if(OffsetTextureInformation > -1)
            PapaTextureInformation TextureInformation[NumberOfTextures] <optimize=false>;
        if(OffsetMeshInformation > -1)
            PapaMeshInformation MeshInformation[NumberOfMeshes] <optimize=false>;
        if(OffsetMaterialInformation > -1)
            PapaMaterialInformation MaterialInformation[NumberOfMaterials] <optimize=false>;
        if(OffsetVerticesInformation > -1)
            PapaVerticesInformation Vertices[NumberOfVertexBuffers] <optimize=false>;
        if(OffsetIndicesInformation > -1)
            PapaIndicesInformation Indices;
        if (OffsetSkeletonInformation > -1)
            PapaSkeletonInformation SkeletonInformation;
        if(OffsetBonesHeader > -1)
            PapaBonesHeader Bones(NumberOfBones);
        if (OffsetAnimationInformation > -1)
            AnimationInfo AnimInfo;
    struct AnimationInfo
        int UnknownData;
        int FrameCount;
        int FPSNominator;
        int FPSDenominator;
        int64 MoreUnknown;
        int FramesOffset;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        AnimFrame frames[FrameCount] <optimize=false>;
    struct AnimFrame
        BoneTransform bonesTransforms[NumberOfBones] <optimize=false>;
    struct BoneTransform 
        float TranslationX;
        float TranslationY;
        float TranslationZ;
        float Rotation[4];
    struct PapaRGBA
        unsigned char r;
        unsigned char g;
        unsigned char b;
        unsigned char a;
    struct PapaTextureInformation()
        char Unknown1[2];
        enum <char> {TF_DXT1 = 4, TF_DXT5 = 6} TextureFormat;
        char MIPS:4; //(TF_DXT1 only)
        char Unknown2:3;
        char SRGB:1 ;
        short Width;
        short Height;
        int64 Length;
        int64 Unknown3; //Always 128
        PapaRGBA RGBAData[Length / 4];
    struct PapaModelInformation()
        int SkeletonData;
        int NumberOfMeshBindings;
        PapaMatrix4 Model2Scene;
        int64 OffsetMeshBinding;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        PapaMeshBinding MeshBinding[NumberOfMeshBindings] <optimize=false>;
    struct PapaMeshBinding()
        int Unknown1;
        int SkeletonSegments;
        PapaMatrix4 Mesh2Model;
        int64 OffsetBoneMappings;
        //Counts from 0 to SkeletonSegments
        if (OffsetBoneMappings > -1) {
            PapaBoneMapping BoneMapping[SkeletonSegments];
    struct PapaBoneMapping
        short SegmentID;
    struct PapaMeshInformation
        int Unknown1; //possibly 2x shorts
        int NumberOfMaterialGroups;
        int64 OffsetMaterialGroup;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        PapaMaterialGroup MaterialGroup[NumberOfMaterialGroups] <optimize=false>;
    struct PapaMaterialGroup
        short Unknown1;
        short MaterialIndex;
        short FirstIndex;
        short Unknown4;
        int NumberOfPrimitives;
        enum <int> {PRIM_Triangles = 2} PrimitiveType;
    struct PapaMaterialInformation
        short Unknown1;
        short VectorParameters;
        short TexturedParameters;
        short MatrixParameters;
        int64 OffsetMaterialVectorParameter;
        int64 OffsetMaterialTextureParameters;
        int64 OffsetMaterialMatrixParameters;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        if (OffsetMaterialVectorParameter > 0) {
            PapaMaterialVectorParameter MaterialVectorParameter[VectorParameters] <optimize=false>;
    struct PapaMaterialVectorParameter
        int Unknown1;
        float Vector[4];
        float Unknown6;
    struct PapaMatrix3
        PapaMatrixRow3 Row1;
        PapaMatrixRow3 Row2;
        PapaMatrixRow3 Row3;
    struct PapaMatrix4
        PapaMatrixRow4 Row1;
        PapaMatrixRow4 Row2;
        PapaMatrixRow4 Row3;
        PapaMatrixRow4 Row4;
    struct PapaMatrixRow3
        float Column1;
        float Column2;
        float Column3;
    struct PapaMatrixRow4
        float Column1;
        float Column2;
        float Column3;
        float Column4;
    struct PapaVerticesInformation
        enum <int> {Position3Normal3Color4TexCoord4 = 7, Position3Weights4bBones4bNormal3TexCoord2 = 8, Position3Normal3Tan3Bin3TexCoord4 = 10} VertexFormat;
        int NumberOfVertices;
        int64 SizeVerticesBlock;
        int64 OffsetVerticesBlock;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        if (VertexFormat == 7) {
            PapaVertex7 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
        if (VertexFormat == 8) {
            PapaVertex8 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
        if (VertexFormat == 10) {
            PapaVertex10 Vertices[NumberOfVertices];
    //For VertexFormat 7
    struct PapaVertex7
        float PositionX;
        float PositionY;
        float PositionZ;
        float NormalX;
        float NormalY;
        float NormalZ;
        byte Colour[4];
        float U;
        float V;
        float X;
        float Y;
    //For VertexFormat 8
    struct PapaVertex8
        float PositionX;
        float PositionY;
        float PositionZ;
        byte Weights[4];
        int BoneSegmentIndex; //should be 4 x bytes?
        float NormalX;
        float NormalY;
        float NormalZ;
        float TexCoord1;
        float TexCoord2;
    //For VertexFormat 10
    struct PapaVertex10
        float PositionX;
        float PositionY;
        float PositionZ;
        float NormalX;
        float NormalY;
        float NormalZ;
        float TanX;
        float TanY;
        float TanZ;
        float BinX;
        float BinY;
        float BinZ;
        float X;
        float Y;
        float U;
        float V;
    struct PapaIndicesInformation
        enum <int> {IF_UInt16 = 0} IndexFormat;
        int NumberOfIndices;
        int64 SizeIndicesBlock;
        int64 OffsetIndicesBlock;
        if (IndexFormat == 0) {
            PapaPrimitive0 Primitives[NumberOfIndices/3];
    struct PapaPrimitive0
        short VertexA;
        short VertexB;
        short VertexC;
    struct PapaSkeletonInformation
        short NumberOfBones;
        short Unknown[3];
        int64 Offset;
        PapaSkeletonSegment SkeletonSegment[NumberOfBones];
    struct PapaSkeletonSegment
        short BoneIndex;
        short ParentSegmentIndex;
        float TranslationX;
        float TranslationY;
        float TranslationZ;
        PapaMatrix3 ShearScale;
        PapaMatrix4 Bind2Bone;
        float BoneOffsetPositionX;  //?
        float BoneOffsetPositionY;  //?
        float BoneOffsetPositionZ;  //?
        float Unknown;              //always 1
    struct PapaBonesHeader(int NumberOfBones)
        PapaBone Bones[NumberOfBones] <optimize=false>;
    struct PapaBone
        int64 LengthOfBoneName;
        int64 OffsetBoneName;
        local int _Restore = FTell();
        char BoneName[LengthOfBoneName];
    PapaFile file;
    Last edited: September 23, 2014
  14. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Excellent work :)

    And that turret is truly terrifying!

    Only one addition; I'm thinking one of the short Unknown2 vars at the start might be NumberOfAnimations, and
    AnimationInfo AnimInfo should then be "AnimationInfo AnimInfo[NumberOfAnimations] <optimize=false>"
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    That is actually a grenadier :p
    Yeah a number of animations might make sense. I wonder if there are units that have more than one, they should look wrong in that case.
  16. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    :oops: I thought it was the new turret from RCBM (or was it Stratera. I'm so confused :confused:).
  17. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    It's RCBM that has the dual barreled high damage anti-air tower.
  18. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    @cola_colin when I use this mod it always get stuck on planet generation in lobby :
    [23:35:41.097] INFO Starting background thread pool with 10 threads
    15261 21:35:41.381254 W | PID: 15277 | 15297 21:35:41.364676 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://pa/terrain/lava.json
    [23:35:45.447] INFO connection_GameConfig
    [23:35:45.448] INFO connection_SimCreated
    [23:35:45.610] INFO Building planet of radius 454 detail 2
    [23:35:45.797] INFO 8239 decals generated.
    [23:35:46.336] INFO 44428 total planet faces.
    [23:35:46.579] INFO build complete: 969. msec
      PlanetBuilder::buildAsync: 968. msec
      BuildMeshes: 220. msec
      Final: 46.8 msec
      SetupVT: 173. msec
      Water: 1.05 usec
      other: 6.22 usec
      Csg: 562. msec
      UpdateBVH: 22.2 msec
      other: 539. msec
      GenBrushes: 91.7 msec
      PostCopyDecals: 547. usec
      other: 91.1 msec
      GenSurface: 443. usec
      PreCsg: 31.4 msec
      Create Surface Meshes: 23.8 msec
      Connectivity: 19.3 msec
      other: 4.46 msec
      other: 7.67 msec
      UpdateBVH: 3.01 msec
      other: 60.9 msec
      other: 890. usec
  19. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    How many minutes did you wait until you gave up? It uploads 90megabyte when you create the lobby. So it may take minutes till it continues.

    That logs looks exactly like my log during the upload progress. For me it takes roughly 90 seconds because I have 1 megabyte/s upload. You can check your taskmanager to see if your internet is active:
    Since big mods like this are not exactly intended to be used like this the upload progress has no progressbar or the like. You just wait for minutes. You can make this much quicker by copying the models and animations into your PA and removing them from the mod, but then all players that join the game absolutely need to do that as well.

    EDIT 2:
    Notice the timestamps in my log there:
    [23:54:46.985] INFO build complete: 1.78 sec
        PlanetBuilder::buildAsync: 1.78 sec
            BuildMeshes: 246. msec
                Final: 59.3 msec
                SetupVT: 185. msec
                Water: 1.48 msec
                other: 5.29 usec
            Csg: 1.38 sec
                UpdateBVH: 41.1 msec
                other: 1.34 sec
            GenBrushes: 56.7 msec
                PostCopyDecals: 401. usec
                other: 56.3 msec
            GenSurface: 403. usec
            GenWater: 1.23 msec
            PreCsg: 45.9 msec
                Create Surface Meshes: 36.3 msec
                    Connectivity: 28.8 msec
                    other: 7.48 msec
                other: 9.63 msec
            UpdateBVH: 4.42 msec
            other: 44.3 msec
        other: 1.33 msec
    [23:56:22.004] INFO ClientPlanet::finishPlanet - Nav/Physics: 3.392730
    Last edited: September 23, 2014
  20. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    As far as i can remember we had been told by Uber that doing such stuff would require lots of additional stuff and finally it gets modded ..... So either original stuff was absolutly not down-scalable and they modified it so that anyone can mod it, or that was b......... :)

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