Server lag or...?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by nevr0n, September 21, 2014.

  1. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do about the lag I've been getting lately. It has been getting worse to the point where the game is unplayable. I'm not sure if it coincides with the last patch or what.

    What happens is the clock stops on the bottom-right and all the units stop moving for several seconds. Then the clock jumps ahead several seconds. This happens a every 10-15 seconds, so it is very frustrating.

    In my last match, I sent about 50 units towards the enemy base (Galactic War) on the opposite side of the planet. I only caught a few "updates" of where they were on their trip because of the amount of lag. Half of them were wiped out by planes I couldn't see coming, and next thing I knew I had killed their commander.

    Ctrl-P shows my FPS @ 60 with Uber GFX settings, but since this has been happening I even tried setting it to low, and resolution scaling to 50%. Makes no difference.

    I live in Ohio, and I'm using the US Central server. Here's me pinging google for a bit..

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 306, Received = 304, Lost = 2 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 3409ms, Average = 64ms

    Did a speed test, 16 Mb down, 1Mb up which is what I pay for.
    <a href=""><img src="" /></a>

    Any ideas? If any more diagnostic information is needed, please let me know.

    Edit: By the way, this happens from the very beginning of a match. Before my commander even lands on the starting planet it has happened.
  2. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Can you please post your Dxdiag so that I can check out your system specs?

    P.S. If you are an Nvidia user, a new driver was released just a day ago.
  3. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    This has to be a connection issue, the server can't lag before your commander lands because the simulation is not even running before the commander lands. Also the server has time dilation so lag would result in the server running slower, not the server skipping entire seconds

    On the contrary your speed test seems fine so this problem sounds specific for PA, have you checked your firewall and antivirus settings? They might interfere with a stable connection
  4. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    It starts when you see that red line where he's beaming down, so I am thinking maybe the sim may have started..? not sure. Pre-game menus don't lag, and once the enemy commander and the victory screen shows up it stops.

    I designed a system with just one planet, did a 1v1 where the AI had no resources so he just had to stand there. I built about 5 fabs and it already started happening. Oh the pain!

    The Windows firewall is off, and I haven't seen anything saying I should open ports on my router. I'm directly connected via Gigabit ethernet to it, It's a Linksys EA6700. Tried rebooting the router, no good.

    I have attached DxDiag logs. I did try updating yesterday to the latest GeForce driver (344.11)

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2GHZ
    12GB RAM
    EVGA Geforce GTX660 FTW w/ ACX 2GB GDDR5 192 Bit

    It is only this game having issues, and dionytadema, I have no antivirus LOL. Windows Defender is turned on but that's more like antispyware. I did download MBAM and do a full scan, though.

    Attached Files:

  5. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    You know, it seems like it doesn't happen early in the morning like right now, 7AM. Almost as if it gets worse during peak times, which would explain why it would be bad on a weekend night.
  6. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    So yup, this morning was fine, even did a 1v4 with a ton of units and it was fine. Doesn't appear to be related to the amount of stuff going on, but the time of day. This evening it's messed up again.

    Anyone know if there's a server IP I can try pinging/tracert to? If it is my ISP I will give them an earful.
  7. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    I'm not sure if it's always the same IP, but you can type this:
    ko.observable().extend({ session: 'gameHostname' })()
    when you open the console in PA from the game lobby. That console is currently not bound to a key, so you have to set that up in Settings -> Keyboard -> Dev Mode -> Toggle Console.

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