Hey guys. I reciently downloaded the RLM rebalance mod via pamm because i really like the sound of their vision as to how the game should play out. I have just one small problem..... I never see any one making modded games and no one ever joins mine so im just throwing it out there. Is there a general time that people play the RLM balance mod. e.g. saturdays or some evenings? I say general as due to working and studying for open uni i only log on occasionally. And tbh the current pa status bores me very quickly especially with multiple planets and the ridiculous slow down.. the games just turned ... stale sadly So just to recap. Is there a general time frame when people who play the rebalance mods ect so i can try and log on around those times to try it out against people Ps not hating on pa! This is / used to be my favourite game.. till the number of planets per game average went past 3 and gas planets and metal planets are the biggest rage. The orbital play is just so.... awkward and slow and boring that all the amazing land and air battles just get sort of pushed to the side whilst you spend ages funneling your armies through 1 stargate or so and trying to get a beach head and failing 9 / 10 due to advanced air fabbers spamming t2 defence so fast your wave of units crash and burn Rinse and repeat a few times then when its 10s irl to 1s ingame just d/c due to bordom
No one makes the games because no one joins the games. No one joins the games because no one makes the games. I really wish Uber would make modded games visible by default and just have the UI abundantly clear that they're modded games.
Yo dawg... I heard you like mods... so we made a mod, so you could better see your mods, to make it easier to play your mods.
Now we just need a mod that tells people they need to install the mod that makes it easier to see modded games.
We have mods so people will play mods but those require mods so people see the mods that allow people to see mods.
There currently isn't a specific time that i am aware of, but i think it would be a good idea to set one up! Saturday night (est) would work for me, but i think we as a community should try to set up a specific time so as the most people can come. What does everyone else think?
Ehh, we should just get Uber to put modded games shown by default so more modded gamemodes are tried out.
Yep. No modded games by default means in a game that is already hurting for players mods are never going to be played.