hello i buyed the game and i love building and annihilate other planets. But there are some features,buildings and units in the trailer but they aren`t in the game example the unit cannon or these Rocket units and these special Asteroid jets do you guys add it in one of the next updates or do you don`t program these features in the game?
Hi Ivan, Well, those items are in the game. They are higher tier items, I believe you need tier 2 fabricators from the tier 2 factories to build them. Kryoclasm
None of the units (except the asteroid engines) he mentioned are in the game yet, they were delayed until after launch because it turns out that they are very difficult to design.
Asteroids-No Asteroid/moon engine-Yes Asteroid fabricators-No Unit cannon-As a wreckage on some planets
Edit: they will be implemented, it will just take some time... Edit 2: I thought i edited above post.