info please

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mectdo, September 17, 2014.

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  1. mectdo

    mectdo New Member

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    from uber support many moons ago

    has any of the devs even been on steam to check the feed back ect ?

    game now released , and I would like to know about the offline play option please
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Offline play hasn't happened yet. Lots of people are upset about it, it's a hot topic on the forums.

    It'll happen eventually.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Steam is a hive of literal filth and you-tube comments.

    Im surprised anybody goes there.

    However, I believe somebody else does have the current quotes for the off-line progression.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  4. christer1966

    christer1966 Member

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    Damn. The Brian ninja got here first. (and the igncom as I was writing about the brian ninja)
  5. mectdo

    mectdo New Member

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    well try to think of it this way , steam users do not even know that uber has this site running , so where do they and me go to read on a game ? the review section , and forums on steam , and from reading them alone and noticing the lack of feed back ect kind off will make any one reading it think " pffff stuff this" like I mentioned steam users do not know of everything that's going on ect , would be nice to update them as well , since that is where the game is being sold on .

    I use to try and play this game after I bought the thing on steam , but I can not play the game , since my Internets slow as hell , took me the better part of 2 weeks to download the game , the offline is what I am waiting for since I can not play online .

    me as a steam user got to this site by digging around loads trying to find a fix for it , but it would help loads if it was clearly available on steam so all us peasants can find it , as I like trying to keep a eye on when the offline will be available sadly with release its still not available so now I will wait once again for the game .

    beer any one ? might take a while still
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Yeah steam really does need to like to the websites of the developers of the games they sell, agreed.

    Not that I was insulting you before hand.

    Yeah it might be a while before we get off-line (As even the offline dev stuff used at PAX Prime was not finished) But if you want, just keep an eye out here or on the subreddit for planetary annihilation for the all clear on off-line mode, as I shared you pain about not being able to play on-line with shitty internet.
  7. mectdo

    mectdo New Member

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    sucks hay , grab a drink then we will wait :) as soon as the offline works it will be great since we are a few friends here and we all want to play but we have shitty internet in town , the best we do while waiting is play total annihilation think I spelled that correctly .

    hope the offline gets going soon , weird though since I can play counter strike online and other games as well with a stable ping of around 250 , just think that's a bit slow for most games
    igncom1 likes this.
  8. mectdo

    mectdo New Member

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    wow not bad not bad I only get that when I play internationally runs good then all of a sudden lag spike to the face , poor little char on screen starts break dancing 5 steps foreword 10 steps back , where you connecting from if i may ask?
  9. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    Then read the stick thread made by SXX.
    The one that is on the General Forum. At the top of all sticky threads and thus the top of all threads.
    You know, THIS ONE.

    Yes, the developers know. No they do not want to pay for the servers for eternety.
    They are working on it. They had a offline server running on Pax, but it is not general user ready.
    squishypon3 and cwarner7264 like this.
  10. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Looks like you've got all the info you need OP - I'll lock this thread now because it's a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate (lots of people want offline, who knew? :p).

    If you guys want to continue discussion please head over here :)
    igncom1 likes this.
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