I'm new to this game and community. I keep seeing references to future features - are the devs going to post their plans for the game with a timeline of when we will see new features? We are nearly 2 weeks post launch and I am surprised I have seen nothing like this yet.
We know the next two features will be propably be offline mode and savegames/chrono cam based new game. the official ETA on both is "soon". Simply because ever giving anything more specific only resulted in accusations of not delivering. Long term goals include (in no particular order): Total of 100 units. the unit cannon huge planets more players, more planets Co-op and Multiplayer GW variants built in Ladder
Hard to tell what they are actually working on as we haven't had much feedback lately. Or if any of them can be achieved in the next coming months. Total of 100 units? I think that's likely not going to happen, but who knows.
Buildings are considered units from Ubers point of view. Now that doesn't mean we won't see any more units, but we shouldn't expect the mobile unit count to double.
As liqius said, counting mobile units and buildings we've got pretty close to Supcom faction level. (If you take out all the duplicate units) Something like... 70 units? I thiiiink? Edit: Also ti the OP, we don't know, and I'm not sure what the chances of us getting such answers are. The reason? Well just look at how people commented about release... it'll happen again, people will never understand.
Are Supcoms buildings counted as units? If so, we are nowhere near the unit type count of supcom, even without the buildings.. http://supcom.wikia.com/wiki/Complete_unit_list Also, Uber aren't going to reply in the forums anymore, because they can't handle criticism, is that what you are saying?
I actually cant believe the 100 unit thing... Even if we would get a few more Navals and Subs its hard. And even if there would be T3, 100 different units/buildings sounds too extreme...